Jay and I are looking into how we can rescue more children specifically, babies. We received a call a while ago asking that we take in a little girl who has been thrown away on the street and left to die. We weren’t the first call they made, and I just didn’t have the heart to “throw her away.”We took Rebeca and trusted God to provide everything we needed to care for her.
It breaks my heart to turn away a child simply because we do not have $450 more per month to feed, diaper, and care for that child. But there are times we have to do so.
We know the cost to care for your own children in the U.S. can be astronomical and we appreciate all of you who make a sacrifice each month to support what we are doing here. In an effort to rescue more babies, we are asking, if you would be willing to connect with your friends, family, small group or even your coworkers and become a part of a group who together, will support one baby a month at House of Destiny.
You and your group together can provide everything a baby needs each month for a combined total of $450 per month. Say, you have a group of ten people who can each give $45 per month to help provide for one baby. Perhaps someone wants to give $10, another wants to give $25; and another wants to give $250 per month. You can work out the denominations for whatever works out for each individual—giving everyone an opportunity to be a part of the support team. Will you help us say yes to that phone call in the middle of the night, asking that we take in a baby that has no one and give that child the opportunity to experience the love of a family and more importantly the love and life of Christ?
Details of how to give
Checks made payable to Going Into all the World Ministries and sent to PO BOX 79638 Saginaw TX 76179. Paypal donations can be made directly through Paypal just click the donate link.
James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
All donations are tax deductible. If we go over the goal of $450 per month we will use the excess to continue the care of the other children at House of Destiny.