October, 2014
Antonio has been with us for almost a year now and He has just graduated to first grade. After coming to our house not being able to differentiate his colors and not knowing his numbers, he is close to being able to read and can do simple arithmetic. God is good.

Originally posted December 2014,
Antonio is our Christmas surprise this year. His 80 year old father was unable to care for him any longer and had asked the government to find a home for him. Antonio is a pleasant and well behaved young man albeit very dehydrated and chronic malnutrition. The doctor said that he will make a quick recovery in our home.
As Christmas approaches we have all the presents wrapped and under the tree for the rest of the children of House of Destiny yet there are none with Antonio’s name. If you would like to help with providing Christmas please use the PayPal button on the right.
Any funds that are over and above will go towards his medical needs and schooling. Antonio will be seven in January and cannot count past three. He will need extra classes to catch up to his age level. If you would like to help with school please note that on your donation.
As always we cannot begin to express how grateful we are to you for providing a great home, a great education and great lives to the children of House of Destiny.